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/ Wildcat Gold - The Optical BBS / Wildcat Gold - The Optical BBS (The Golden ROM Series)(Volume 4 Number 1)(The Digital Publishing Company)(1992).ISO / util / x00v121a.zip

Archives (4)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
BOB.ZIP PKZip Archive 2 8KB 1989-10-28
CHLLAPI.ZIP PKZip Archive 7 7KB 1989-10-22
QBHLLAPI.ZIP PKZip Archive 2 4KB 1989-10-22
TPHLLAPI.ZIP PKZip Archive 2 3KB 1989-10-22

Text (10)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BETA.TXT Text File 15 793b 1989-09-07
CAPTURE.DOC Text File 45 2KB 1987-08-18
FOSSIL.CHT Text File 354 39KB 1989-07-15
FOSSIL.DOC Text File 832 35KB 1988-02-11
HISTORY.DOC Text File 640 22KB 1989-10-28
LICENSE.TXT Text File 134 5KB 1989-09-07
POSTPORT.DOC Text File 37 1KB 1988-09-18
SHARE.IRQ Text File 134 4KB 1989-08-14
WATCHCD.DOC Text File 57 3KB 1987-08-18
X00.DOC Text File 794 21KB 1989-09-16

Other Files (6)
BOOT.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 575b 1989-09-11
CAPTURE.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 1KB 1989-08-15
POSTPORT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2KB 1989-03-18
WATCHCD.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 1KB 1989-07-10
X00.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 13KB 1989-10-27
BYPASS.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 466b 1989-10-22